Letter from the Editor
In our industry, “technology moves fast” is ubiquitous. “Disruption” is a moniker for whichever tech trend is driving headlines. “Change is constant” is our slogan.
Is it possible the acceleration of technology innovation in 2023 surpassed the speed of every year before it? Or do we have amnesia?
Innovation in technology has been on a rapid ascent for years, but perhaps 2023 saw it reach a new height. With tech updates emerging almost weekly, even the most seasoned leaders were challenged to keep up. However, this rapid pace brought some useful insights as well.
We’ve realized that using every bit of data available is not the answer. Many leaders have recognized the need to clean up their data estate to prevent drowning in an ocean of irrelevant (or bad) information. The rise of generative AI brought an opportunity to speed productivity and mine instant insights. But, only well-managed data can be correctly exploited. As one of our AI practice leaders aptly put it, “garbage in, garbage out.” This insight drove leaders with titles such as Chief Data Officer to gain prominence.
We’ve also seen a profound embrace of business sustainability — a mission as economical as it is ethical.
It’s not just innovation that needs vetting — partnerships do, too. Technologies such as generative AI, immersive technology and resilient cybersecurity require a solid foundation of modern tech, and the integration of these technologies can be complex.
As a leader, ask yourself: is your tech roadmap forward-thinking enough, and are your technology partnerships keeping pace?
As the leading Solutions Integrator, we enthusiastically accept the responsibility to be the early explorers, adopters and testers of emerging technology trends and share our discoveries with you. In fact, we’ve done just that with an in-house generative AI solution.
The acceleration and disruption caused by AI during the last year has certainly been head-spinning. But veterans like Insight CTO David McCurdy have already been through numerous paradigm-shifting events.
“In the 25 years of my technology career, change has been the only constant,” he says. McCurdy and other Insight leaders provide advice on how to navigate persistent change, among other things, in our featured story.
We are at a critical transition point — in time, in business, in tech. And it's no secret: Change is only accelerating. As we move into the new year, it’s essential to take a strategic pause. Now is the time to evaluate the lessons learned in the past year and chart a new course into 2024.
Wherever you are in your technology journey, we’re here to give you the confidence — and the expertise — to take on even the most ambitious goals. Together, we can accelerate your transformation by unlocking the power of people and technology.
Managing editor: Jillian VinerProduction manager: Shika WijesundaraCopy editor: Jesse ReevesStaff writers: Stephanie Angelo, Matt Fedorovich, David McCurdy, Justin Morris, Joyce Mullen, Juan Orlandini, Shelby Payne, Joe Slade, Carm Taglienti, Jillian VinerContributors: Megan Amdahl, Amol Ajgaonkar, Mike Gaumond, Jason Rader
Art director: Chris ReddochArt & production managers: Charles Cruz, Rovi SiaArt & design: Charles Cruz, Calvin Daniel Dar Juan, Mervin Lorenzo, Anthony Ubrano, Rovi SiaVideo: Roberto Aldrete, Treyvon Thomspon, Andy RoberstonSocial media: Josette D'Espyne, Jarrod PiperPublic relations: Shelby Payne, Scott WaltersAdvertising: Kalene Harkey